Lightning Lane Availability for Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival for 12/12/2024
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Data for 12/12/2024
Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival Lightning Lane
The graph below shows the complete Lightning Lane availability history for
Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival
at EPCOT for the booking date 12/12/2024.
Select an option on the left to view of a graph of the availability for 12/12/2024 on a
specific date. The blue dots of the graph indicate Lightning Lane availablity at a given time and date,
with the time the Lightning Lane
could be redeemed (i.e. early, mid-day, or late in the day). No dots but the graph showing a later date
indicates no availability.
Click a date below for date-specfic availability data for the booking date 12/12/2024.
Available Booking Dates |
These are dates that have had pre-booking Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival Lightning Lane availability. Click a date below for date-specfic availability data.
Available Booking Dates |