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Lightning Lane Availability for Jungle Cruise for 02/03/2025

Home > Walt Disney World > Lightning Lane > Jungle Cruise > Data for 02/03/2025

Jungle Cruise Lightning Lane Availability
The graph below shows the complete Lightning Lane availability history for Jungle Cruise at Magic Kingdom for the booking date 02/03/2025. Select an option on the left to view of a graph of the availability for 02/03/2025 on a specific date. The blue dots of the graph indicate Lightning Lane availablity at a given time and date, with the time the Lightning Lane could be redeemed (i.e. early, mid-day, or late in the day). No dots but the graph showing a later date indicates no availability.
Click a date below for date-specfic availability data for the booking date 02/03/2025.
Available Booking Dates
These are dates that have had pre-booking Jungle Cruise Lightning Lane availability. Click a date below for date-specfic availability data.
Available Booking Dates
Unavailable Since
02/03/2025 08:39 PM
Availability Percentage
for booking period