Lightning Lane Availability for Jungle Cruise for 09/11/2024
Jungle Cruise Lightning Lane
The graph below shows the complete Lightning Lane availability history for
Jungle Cruise
at Magic Kingdom for the booking date 09/11/2024.
Select an option on the left to view of a graph of the availability for 09/11/2024 on a
specific date. The blue dots of the graph indicate Lightning Lane availablity at a given time and date,
with the time the Lightning Lane
could be redeemed (i.e. early, mid-day, or late in the day). No dots but the graph showing a later date
indicates no availability.
Click a date below for date-specfic availability data for the booking date 09/11/2024.
Available Booking Dates |
These are dates that have had pre-booking Jungle Cruise Lightning Lane availability. Click a date below for date-specfic availability data.
Available Booking Dates |
Explain This Graph!
The graph above shows each collected point of Lightning Lane availability for Jungle Cruise over the days it has been bookable by guests,
as time has progressed. Each blue dot represents Lightning Lane availability at the earliest available return time at the time of data collection.
Gaps in the blue dots are periods of no Lightning Lane availability. The graph shows data from the earliest point of booking to the current time & date.
Remember, Disney resort guests can book 7 days in advance of the first day of their trip for up to 14 days worth of tickets. This represents a 21 day period where the 7 AM release only applies to the intial, far out release.
A guests' 7 day window will likely overlap with the periods of others, meaning others have already made Lightning Lane selections that can impact availability for guests just entering their booking window.
Explain This Graph!
The graph above shows each collected point of Lightning Lane availability for Jungle Cruise over the days it has been bookable by guests,
condensed down to the time of the day. It is the same data as the previous graph, but with the day of collection removed. Each dot represents Lightning Lane availability with the earliest available return time. It can show trends in the data on what time of day new availability or earlier return times are released.
If applicable, blue dots show points for the current day.
View the Lightning Lane availability for more Walt Disney World attractions by clicking on
a link below.
Available Attractions |