Jungle Cruise
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The current top ten highest wait times at Disneyland Resort Parks. Select a button below to see the top ten for a different time period.
California Adventure
Jungle Cruise Wait Time Profile
How busy is Jungle Cruise? This graph shows the wait times
data for Jungle Cruise on 01/19/2025 as compared
the historical average profile. Wait times above the average line are busier than normal; wait times below the average indicate that it is a good time to ride!
The blue markers indicate the current posted wait time and the Average Wait line represents the typical wait
time based on historical data.
The gray bars are the Disney Forecast points directly from the My Disney Experience app. This is the
projection of wait times Disney officially publishes.
Click any of the buttons below to generate a new graph above!
Lightning Lane Multi Pass Availability & Return Times
Jungle Cruise
Lightning Lane Multi Pass Availability Map
Jungle Cruise
Loading Graph
This graph indicates Lightning Lane availability at Jungle Cruise over the past 30
non-gray color indicates that Lightning Lane Multi Pass or Single Pass can be purchased, and the
represents the earliest available return time.
Greener colors indicate return times earlier in the day were available; orange to red indicates return
later in the day were available. Hover over items to see the specific return time.
Jungle Cruise Possible Delays
Loading Delay Data
This graph shows the possible delay data for Jungle Cruise at Disneyland
within the past 30 days of
01/19/2025. A
delay is considered as any time the attraction does not report wait time data for 10 minutes
or more. There are many possible causes for a delay,
including the weather, a breakdown, or, in rare cases, a data collection issue on our end.
Click one of the buttons below to see more delay data for Jungle Cruise.
Jungle Cruise Wait Time Heat Map
Loading Heat Map
This graph shows the wait time heat map for Jungle Cruise over the past month based
data date
for the specified time interval. It provides a good comparison of how wait times change and when they are
or low.
Greener colors indicate shorter wait times; redder colors indicate longer wait times.
Click the buttons to change the graph instantly to a different time interval.
Click any of the buttons below to plot by a different time interval.