Hurricane Harbor Chicago Trends
Hurricane Harbor Chicago Average Wait Profile
How busy is Hurricane Harbor Chicago? Typically, a higher park average wait time indicates higher crowds and a busier theme park. This graph shows the average wait time across Hurricane Harbor Chicago as compared to the
wait profile for the day of the week.
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Wait Time Data
All Hurricane Harbor Chicago Wait Times
Weekly Wait Times
This graph shows the current wait times at Hurricane Harbor Chicago,
the average wait times for the selected day,
the average wait times for the selected week,
or the average wait times for the selected month. Click the buttons to change the graph instantly.
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Hurricane Harbor Chicago Wait Time Heat Map
Data Ending on 11/04/2024
This graph shows the wait time heat map for Hurricane Harbor Chicago.
This graph shows the posted wait times for each attraction at the park at different time intervals.
Greener colors indicate shorter wait times; redder colors indicate longer wait times.
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Hurricane Harbor Chicago Wait Time Calendar
This graph shows the daily average wait time at Hurricane Harbor Chicago by calendar day for 11/04/2024. Greener colors indicate lower wait times (i.e. less busy days); redder colors indicate longer wait times (i.e. busier days).
Note that is not a crowd calendar. Click here for the
Hurricane Harbor Chicago Crowd Calendar
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