Blizzard Beach
Local Park Time is 10:34 PM
How wait times for the current day, week, and month compare to the previous day, last week, and last month. The daily calculation begins at 10 AM local time and will flucuate as the day progresses.
Blizzard Beach Wait Time Profile
How busy is Blizzard Beach? Typically, a higher park average wait time indicates higher crowds and a busier theme park. This graph shows the average wait time across Blizzard Beach as compared to the
wait profile for the day of the week.
Click any of the buttons below to generate a new graph above!
Click a button below or keep scrolling for Lightning Lane data!
Blizzard Beach Lightning Lane Availability Map
The availability graph indicates Lightning Lane availability at Blizzard Beach. A non-gray color
indicates that Lightning Lane Multi Pass or Single Pass can be purchased, and represents the earliest available return time.
Greener colors indicate return times earlier in the day were available; orange to red indicates return times
later in the day were available. Hover over items to see the specific return time. Gaps for every attraction are likely data collection issues on our end. Labeled graphs work best on desktop displays.
Click any of the buttons below to generate a new graph above!
Lightning Lane Minutes to Return Time Map
This graphs shows the amount of minutes from the time of day to the earliest available return time for each Blizzard Beach attraction.
Attractions in red have a return at least 2 hours from the time of the capture. Attractions in green have very close return times to the time of capture. This graph is helpful to determine the stacking order of Lightning Lane selections.
Gray indicates no availability.
Attractions with Wait Times
Attractions Not Reporting
Shows and Entertainment
Defunct Attractions
Keep scrolling or click one of the buttons below to see graphs of Blizzard Beach data!
Blizzard Beach Wait Times
Weekly Wait Times
This graph shows the current wait times at Blizzard Beach,
the average wait times for the selected day,
the average wait times for the selected week,
or the average wait times for the selected month.
Click any of the buttons below to plot by a different time interval.
Blizzard Beach Wait Time Heat Map
Loading Heat Map
This graph shows the wait time heat map for Blizzard Beach.
This graph shows the posted wait times for each attraction at the park at different time intervals.
Greener colors indicate shorter wait times; redder colors indicate longer wait times.
Click any of the buttons below to plot by a different time interval.
Blizzard Beach Wait Time Calendar
This graph shows the daily average wait time at Blizzard Beach by calendar day for 02/11/2025. Greener colors indicate lower wait times (i.e. less busy days); redder colors indicate longer wait times (i.e. busier days).
Note that is not a crowd calendar. Click here for the Blizzard Beach Crowd Calendar
Note that is not a crowd calendar. Click here for the Blizzard Beach Crowd Calendar
Attractions with Wait Times
Attractions Not Reporting
Shows and Entertainment
Defunct Attractions